Welcome Dear Spirit

As you enter this dwelling place - continue to be mindful. This here's my little plot of land on the internet - I’m so grateful to meet you here. Take what serves you, and leave the rest. Here’s to the small, consequential steps we take to heal.

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton, New Jersey

This meeting place is a hyperlink, but we can think of it as a sanctuary for prayer, an altar for healing, a sacrificial stair. Here, I’ll hurl my most fragile emotions to their death, setting them free through my release. I will pray for myself. 

Here, I will ritualistically celebrate my survivor-hood. I will also plant seeds, and tend to my craft. I will preach, ask, educate and reminisce. I will make mistakes.  I will speak in my authentic voice. I will edit. I will fail and try again. I will accept help and input, and be guided with humility. Here, I will unconditionally love myself and forgive myself.   

I’m finding contentment in my life because I have made the first step in sovereignty, unveiling all that once silenced me.

While reading, you’ll gain insight about my person and my purpose. Send any ideas, desires to collaborate, or inquires to indigomateo@gmail.com.


indigo mateo